The Oberth-class was still in service by 2374 during the Dominion War, but did not see large scale deployments in major engagements as the vessel was never designed for combat. ( DS9: " Emissary" Star Trek: First Contact) Oberth-class starships also participated in both the Battle of Wolf 359 in 2366 and the Battle of Sector 001 in 2373. ( TNG: " The Naked Now" dedication plaque)
The Federation continued to construct Oberth-class starships as late as 2363, at such locations as the USSR's Baikonur Cosmodrome. In addition to this, the Pegasus was the test bed for an illegal Federation cloaking device. The Pegasus was outfitted with an experimental engine and new weapon systems, some of which were used in the designs for Galaxy-class starships.

In 2358, the Oberth-class USS Pegasus served as a prototype for testing advanced starship technologies. ( TNG: " The Drumhead", " The Game", " A Fistful of Datas") ( Star Trek III: The Search for Spock Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country TNG: " The Naked Now", " Hero Worship", " Realm of Fear") By the latter half of the 2360s, these vessels also served in a number of other capacities, such as transports and supply ships. He agonized for years over the secret of the Pegasus’ illegal technology, but came forward when the Romulans threatened to discover the ship’s remains, in defiance of his former Captain, Erik Pressman.In service by the 2280s, the Oberth class was designed and used almost exclusively for the study of astronomical phenomena, including data gathering missions on stars and planets, well into the 2360s. Riker, on his first assignment fresh out of the academy.